Manuel Schärer

Your contact

Manuel Schärer

Head of Events

Phone +41 41 349 10 50

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Anniversary of Concordia

Anniversary of CONCORDIA

With 752,000 insured persons, CONCORDIA is one of the largest health insurers in Switzerland today. It employs around 1,200 full-time and part-time staff: 550 at the head office in Lucerne, the others in four service centres, in the Liechtenstein national representation and in around 240 agencies and branch offices.

In mid-June, CONCORDIA celebrated its 100th anniversary with a big party at the Lucerne Exhibition Centre. Guests at the event were guided through the day by Kurt Aeschbacher and treated to culinary and musical-cabaret delicacies.
auviso was already involved in the planning phase of this event and contributed with its full-service package (stage, decoration, sound, video, lighting and content) to a very successful event.


CONCORDIA Schweizerische Kranken- und Unfallversicherung


Messe Luzern | Lucerne



Our services

Event technology

Digital media

Event design





Audio, video, light and stage design

Project management

Further references